Parking Brake

For the parking brake I used two aluminium pipes which fit into each other.The two pipes are connected at the end with a spring and I cut a kinda U shaped slot into the outer one.Together with a switch we got a parking brake: I printed two pieces to mount it under the switch panel…

Switches below the yoke

For the light switches , as well as the ones for the fuel pumps and pitot heat I decided to make a wooden bar and mount it below the yoke.They are basic 2 positon switches from Amazon, nothing fancy. I also added a momentary button and wanted to use that one for the XBarometer plugin…

Cattitude, my Honda CBF

In 2006 I bought my current bike, a Honda CBF 600 S ABS.She was one of the showroom bikes / rentals from my Honda dealer.I got her when she was one year old and had close to 8000 km on the odometer.She is Interstellar Black and I named her Cattitude! Here some technical data: CBF600…

The Queen is dead, long live the Queen!

It happend! Years ago I made a clone of my original BQ Hephestos and named that 3D printer Mathilda.And we happily printed away… Until recently when I tried out wood filament and she was printing away.Once of a sudden there was a really not nice sounding noise.The Y Axis (left/right) was not level anymore, nope.And…

Interface choices

So far I had planned to use MobiFlight as interface between the physical buttons, lamps, etc. and X-Plane 11.I have tinkered around with various parts and recently decided to start with the actual configuration for some switches.I do understand that the MobiFlight Team is not using X-Plane themselves, and therefore cannot give alot of support.But…

Center structure, Rudder Pedals, and Yoke

I created a center structure out of wood. It has the pilots and co-pilots area, plus a central slot in between. That center slot will be for the Throttle Quadrant and the various switches. Like with all parts so far it can be removed and fits easily through a door.I do not use self tapping…


My friend Günther Lonsing donated two seats from an old Alfa Romeo limousine.I just had to fix a broken adjustment mechanisms, clean them, and then get them into the sim.Since they were too low i decided to create a wooden pedestal from particle board.After putting it together, i smoothed out the surface so you can’t…

Floor Boards

For the floor of the cockpit I used some 19mm particle board I already had, plus some 44×44 mm Wood beams from the store.I decided to make four panels and connect them, their size is 50x140cm.That way they can be moved and handled easier than a giant piece of wood. The raised design allows me…

Planning a Cockpit

The idea sounds simple: just build a Cockpit.There are quite some decisions to be made though:Do I want to replicate a specific plane or not?Do I make my own parts or do I buy everything or a combination of both?How much space is available?Are the people I live with oky with what I build?What is…

Getting back into Flight Simming…

A long time ago I was working on a A340 cockpit for the Microsoft Flight Simulator.I had already bought software, including Project Magenta Glass Cockpit (for about a 1000 Euros), Computers and screens.All in all I had 3 PCs running the sim and I started looking into building the actual cockpit.Then life happend… the company…