The Queen is dead, long live the Queen!

It happend!

Years ago I made a clone of my original BQ Hephestos and named that 3D printer Mathilda.
And we happily printed away…

Until recently when I tried out wood filament and she was printing away.
Once of a sudden there was a really not nice sounding noise.
The Y Axis (left/right) was not level anymore, nope.
And there were pieces of grey ABS, which obviously should not be there.
At least not in individual pieces.
One of the stepper motors was just jittering around and seemed to be rather upset.

I took a rather deep breath and evaluated the damage.
Little did I know when I decided to order some new belts and PETG to rebuild her.
Some days later she was mostly rebuilt, in wonderful bright orange which Angela has choosen.
Mechanically everything was looking sound and I added the electronics…

About 3 to 4 hours later it was pretty clear that the broken ABS parts from the accident where not being at fault for the catastrophic failure.
I tried about everything I could but the machine was acting more and more strange and it was obvious that quite alot was going wrong with the parts.
I had a RAMPS board and exactly one stepper driver in my spares drawer.
No steppers though.
Unfortunately not enough to revive her

Since I had already talked to Angela that it might be time to add a more modern printer to my workshop we decided that it is time to bury Mathilda and let her rest in peace.

So welcome home Janet!
She is a Creality Ender 3 Pro, and came with the magnetic print bed as well as a glass printing surface.

I already added a few modifications, and she is printing really nice.
(Capricorn tubing, Aluminium Extruder, Aluminium Bed levelling adjusters with stronger springs than the original ones)

She will be a big help working on my cockpit.