Center structure, Rudder Pedals, and Yoke

I created a center structure out of wood. It has the pilots and co-pilots area, plus a central slot in between. That center slot will be for the Throttle Quadrant and the various switches.

Like with all parts so far it can be removed and fits easily through a door.
I do not use self tapping screws but regular metric screws for all the parts which might have to get dis- and reassembled in the case i do have to move the cockpit in the future.

For the Pedals and Yoke i use the Logitech / Saitek hardware.
The rudder pedals are mounted on an extra board which got painted black.

The yoke got mounted in the center structure.
In the photo you can also see the instruments from the Air Manager on the screen:
The Air Manager from Sim Innovations allow me to display the instruments there and help me keeping the cockpit generic but with the right gauges for the plane i use. In this case a Cessna Skyhawk.